Several small informal publications have been put together and are available for purchase. They can be sourced from “on-demand” publishing houses - and can be ordered directly from them. Books are between 50 and 80 pages, not too expensive, and can be accessed on the links below.
1. An Aurelia Restoration - the complete and detailed story of an early B20 restoration
2. 27e Salone Internazionale dell' Automobile Torino - colorful advertisements from the 1955 Turin Auto Show, with much technical and period information. Great graphics.
3. Lancia B20S - Detailed photographs of rare 1953 SOHC V-6 prototype motor designed by De Virgilio, photographs by Ed Levin, edited by GG.
4. Lancia Machining - a collection of American Machinist articles (in English) from the 1920’s on Lancia manufacturing and with detailed factory information. The scans are of modest quality (from Library of Congress microfilm), but the collection makes for very interesting reading.